
Graduates switching their tastles

卡根主教和戴尔·阿奎斯特获得荣誉博士学位, Bishop Vetter to give commencement speech

2024 Graduates

BISMARCK, ND - 4月27日星期六,MG冰球突破试玩将颁发学位给 1059 graduates at its 2024 commencement. The ceremony begins at 2:30 p.m. 在俾斯麦第七街和前大道的俾斯麦活动中心.

由俾斯麦报喜修道院的本笃会修女创立和赞助, the University of Mary will award 584 bachelor’s degrees, 334 master’s degrees and 141 doctoral degrees. These students come from 45 states representing 14 countries.

Sixty-seven received the summa cum laude designation, 92 earned magna cum laude designation and 152 students received the cum laude designation. Additionally, 21 学生已获得哈罗德·谢弗新兴领袖学院颁发的认证谢弗领袖称号, and 79 学生在2年内完成学业,即被认定为全年毕业生.5 years.

The 2024 commencement is a ceremony of firsts for Mary: the first students to earn certificates in sacred music; the first students graduating with a Master of Science in Bioethics who went through the new undergraduate concentration; and the first graduate from the new Saint Teresa of Calcutta Community for Mothers.

Honorary Doctorate Degree Recipients

— The Most Reverend David Dennis Kagan, D.D., P.A., J.C.L.

— Dale Curtis Ahlquist, M.A.

Bishop David Kagan 1949年11月9日出生于伊利诺伊州沃基根,在斯普林格罗夫长大. 他拥有迪比克洛拉斯学院的哲学学士学位, Iowa, as well as an STB, an MA in Sacred Theology, and a licentiate in Canon Law, all from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Bishop Kagan was ordained to the priesthood in 1975. He served the Diocese of Rockford, Illinois, in several parishes, both as associate pastor and pastor. 他曾在罗克福德为MG冰球突破试玩亚·林登和可怜的克莱尔·科莱廷斯担任牧师. 他曾担任通信办公室主任和Vianney Oaks养老院主任. 
卡根主教于1994年被任命为荣誉主教,并获得了主教的头衔. 1995年,他被接纳为耶路撒冷圣墓骑士团的骑士指挥官. In July 2011, 他被授予一个高级教士的费拉约洛勋章,以表示他被擢升为最高教宗的首席使徒副官, which is the highest level of honor for a monsignor. 
卡根主教于2011年成为俾斯麦的第七任主教. 2012年,教皇本笃十六世任命卡根主教为法戈教区的宗座管理员. 卡根主教开始了他在圣. Louis, Missouri, in 2014. 他目前还担任普世和宗教间事务主教委员会成员和罗马天主教-福音对话主教代表. 

Dale Ahlquist 是吉尔伯特·基思·切斯特顿协会主席,EWTN系列节目《G.K. 切斯特顿:常识的传道者”,出版了 Gilbert Magazine. 他是六本书的作者,编辑了十四本书. 他是伦敦切斯特顿图书馆(Chesterton Library)的高级研究员,被称为“可能是研究丘吉尔生平和工作的最伟大的在世权威”.K. Chesterton.”

Mr. 阿奎斯特在大学做了900多场讲座, conferences, and other institutions, including Yale, Columbia, Cornell, Notre Dame, Oxford, the Vatican Forum in Rome, and the House of Lords in London.

He is also the co-founder of Chesterton Academy, a top-rated Catholic classical high school in Hopkins, Minnesota, 它是不断壮大的切斯特顿学校网络的旗舰学校. This network includes nearly 60 high schools in the U.S., Canada, Italy, Iraq, and Sierra Leone.

Commencement Speaker
— The Most Reverend Bishop Austin Vetter

Bishop Austin Vetter was born in Linton, N.D., on September 13, 1967. 毕业后,他就读于北达科他州立大学和北卡罗来纳州法戈的红衣主教曼恩神学院.D. 在获得哲学学士学位后, 他曾就读于宗座北美学院和圣. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, Italy. 

维特主教于1993年被任命为俾斯麦教区的牧师. 他的第一份工作是在圣神大教堂担任教区牧师,并在圣. 1994年至1999年在俾斯麦的MG冰球突破试玩中心高中学习. In North Dakota, he served as pastor of St. Martin’s Catholic Church in Center, St. Patrick’s Church in Dickinson, St. 迈诺特的利奥大帝,以及俾斯麦圣灵大教堂的院长.

From 2004 to 2007, 他是奥马哈克莱顿大学神职人员形成研究所的兼职教员, Neb. 在俾斯麦教区,他曾在司铎理事会、司铎人事委员会任职. He was Vicar for the Permanent Diaconate, Master of Ceremonies to the Bishop, and Director of Continuing Education of the Clergy. 他曾在罗马的宗座北美学院担任精神培育主任, Italy, 2012年7月至2018年6月,担任俾斯麦圣灵大教堂的院长.

2019年,他被宣布为教宗方济各的选择,担任海伦娜教区主教. 他被大主教亚历山大·桑普尔任命为海伦娜的第11任主教, Archbishop of Portland, on November 20, 2019.



任何想了解更多关于MG冰球突破试玩的人都可以在 or by contacting an admissions representative at, or by calling (701) 355-8030. MG冰球突破试玩是美国仅有的15所推荐的红衣主教纽曼社会住宿学院和大学之一.

About the University of Mary: MG冰球突破试玩秉承“生命之光”的校训,通过尖端的专业课程和研究生课程为学生提供全面的人生教育,这些课程以道德勇气和所选专业的领导能力以及对社区的服务为动力. A private, co-educational Catholic institution, MG冰球突破试玩欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生.

A Christian, Catholic, 本笃会的机构成立于1959年,由本笃会修女报喜修道院, Mary offers nearly 60 bachelor’s, 18 master’s, and five doctoral programs—in Business Administration, Education, Nursing Practice, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. 在全国大学生体育协会(NCAA)的管理下,拥有20个体育项目的体育部坚持“美德成就伟大”的使命。, American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA), and the USA College Clay Target League. With more than 3,800 students, Mary has locations in North Dakota, Montana, Arizona, Rome, Italy, as well as vibrant online offerings.